Tidy Turd Turf Services

Dog Waste

We all love our pets, but no one likes cleaning up after them! Tidy Turd Turf is here to pick up the poo. We provide our service in the Howard County and Hamilton County area.
Our professional service team will walk your yard in a grid pattern, cleaning out all the dog waste. Just schedule your affordable service and we will handle the rest! Tidy Turd Turf will clean your yard rain and shine. We take the waste garbage when we go!


Call 317-214-8101Contact us

Our Services

Residential yard cleaning

Our cleaning process not only contains removing the pet waste; we also give deodorizing upon request. A best solution for your next yard party or barbecue!

Commercial waste removal

Parks, common grounds, apartments, and more! We offer area cleaning in addition to installing and maintaining a top-notch pet waste solution.

Deodorizer spray

Used on decks, grass, patios, and more. Our deodorizer spray is made up of natural enzymes that are fully safe for your family, pets and the environment.

Why choose Tidy Turd Turf?

Healthier, cleaner environment for your pets and family
By removing and cleaning dog poop regularly, our service helps provide a healthier, cleaner environment for your pets and family while also helping to keep your lawn greener.


Times of Operation
Mon 9 AM -5 PM
Tues 9 AM -5 PM
Wed 9 AM -5 PM
Thu 9 AM -5 PM
Fri 9 AM -5 PM
Sat 9 AM -5 PM
Sun Closed

How it works

1. Call and schedule a weekly apt.
2. Pick it up
3. Haul it away
4. Enjoy your poop free yard


Contact Us

SERVICE AREA : Howard County, Hamilton County